(정보제공 : 주홍콩총영사관)
홍콩지역 입찰정보 (2025-3)
(관보게재일 : 2025.1.17)
1. 균일 분배 시스템 설계·공급·납품·설치
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Health Bureau
ㅇ 입찰번호 : HHBH2417 G0112024
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Design, Supply, Delivery and Installation of Uniform Dispensing System to The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.6(목), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=3&extra=0&type=0&number=392
2. 정부 시설 관련 소규모 공사(입찰시한 연장)
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Architectural Services Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : TC P972
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Design and Construction of Minor Works to Government and Subvented Properties for which the Architectural Services Department is Responsible for the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region--Extension of Tender Period
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.7(금), 12:00
3. 사무용 가구 설치 등 서비스 제공
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Correctional Services Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : PTCSQ01224
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Provision of Collection, Delivery, Assembly, Installation and Quality Checking Services for Office Furniture to the Correctional Services Department
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.27(목), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=3&extra=0&type=0&number=394
4. 플루오시놀론 국소용 장제 공급
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Department of Health
ㅇ 입찰번호 : DHD051324
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of Fluocinolone Topical Preparations to the Department of Health
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.27(목), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=3&extra=0&type=0&number=395
5. 배수구 구조 개선 공사 계약
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Drainage Services Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : DC/2024/12/F1-4
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Framework Contract for Structural Improvement of Sewers and Stormwater Drains in Mainland South Districts
* 계약기간 : 2025.7월부터 36개월
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.28(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=3&extra=0&type=0&number=396
6. 엘레베이터 장비 및 리프팅 기어 테스트 서비스 제공
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : 1889EM24T
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Examination and Testing of Lifting Appliances and Lifting Gear
* 계약기간 : 2025.6월부터 48개월
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.28(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=3&extra=0&type=0&number=397
7. 재활용 스테이션 서비스 제공
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Environmental Protection Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : WRR24495
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Provision of Services for Recycling Stations (GREEN@ISLANDS, GREEN@KWUN TONG, GREEN@SHAM SHUI PO, GREEN@TAI PO and GREEN@YUEN LONG)
* 계약기간 : 2025.9~2025.12
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.28(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=3&extra=0&type=0&number=398
8. 디지털 디스플레이 관리 시스템 공급
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Government Logistics Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : AF900492024
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Supply of digital display management system to The Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.28(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=3&extra=0&type=0&number=400
9. 자동분류툴 구현 서비스 제공
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Hong Kong Monetary Authority
ㅇ 입찰번호 : -
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Provision of Implementation Service on Auto Classification Tool
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.2.26(수), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=3&extra=0&type=0&number=401
10. 수처리 작업장 확장 및 개선 공사 계약
ㅇ 입찰기구 : Water Supplies Department
ㅇ 입찰번호 : 18/WSD/24
ㅇ 입찰대상 : Extension of Ngau Tam Mei Water Treatment Works and Associated Improvement Works of Existing Treatment Stream
* 계약기간 : 2025.7월부터 60개월
ㅇ 입찰시한 : 2025.3.14(금), 12:00
ㅇ 입찰서류 : https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/english/gazette/file.php?year=2025&vol=29&no=3&extra=0&type=0&number=407